Software Application Development 2011-12-05T15:23:11+00:00

Vestibulum tincidunt est id justo venenatis a sagittis neque mollis. Maecenas a massa orci. Suspendisse nec enim ac massa facilisis pellentesque. Cras tincidunt urna quis felis vehicula vulputate. Etiam commodo pharetra diam. Duis ultricies ante leo, lacinia posuere ligula. Cras varius euismod neque, non fringilla ante viverra in. Praesent et sem eros, a consequat leo. Integer sed nisi metus, vitae semper purus. Duis congue tincidunt euismod. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam iaculis sollicitudin ante, a rhoncus ligula pharetra eu. Pellentesque quis lectus et turpis porta ultrices. Suspendisse potenti. Integer ullamcorper sem vehicula quam condimentum faucibus.

Phasellus fringilla, massa eu lacinia pretium, nulla massa vehicula mauris, eu lacinia sem nibh non nulla. Ut turpis neque, tempus et adipiscing et, aliquet in nulla. Mauris nec nunc dui, eget porta mi. Maecenas tortor lacus, tincidunt non elementum ut, congue nec tortor. Aliquam consequat ante ac metus feugiat vitae lacinia nisl sodales. Vestibulum in ligula.

Experience – Services

  • Business System Analyst

    The position of Business Systems Analyst has always been Dr. Sullivan’s first love in her long career in the IT industry. She began working as a Business Systems Analyst in 1993 and was immediately drawn to the challenge presented by this position. As a Business… Read more…

  • Computer Systems Analyst

    Dr. Sullivan began working as a Computer Systems Analyst in 1990. During the last 17 years, her ability to research a company’s needs and to make the appropriate recommendations for moving forward has reached a high level of expertise. Dr. Sullivan’s meticulous method of examining… Read more…

  • Database Specialist

    In her position of Database Administrator and Database Analyst, Dr. Sullivan uses her knowledge and substantial experience in IT to protect the integrity of each company’s data. Part of her responsibilities includes making the needed data available to the client and the employees. An understanding… Read more…

  • Software Architect

    Dr. Sullivan’s natural inclination toward both the technical and the mechanical workings of computer systems are assets that have served her well since 2008 in her position as Software Architect. Her technical nature partnered with years of study and hands-on experience has allowed her to… Read more…

  • IT Auditor

    In her position of IT Auditor, Dr. Sullivan creates a solid information technology infrastructure while collaborating with clients to devise and implement policies and procedures to ensure network security. Due to the rapidly changing world of IT, keeping her technological skills current is a prime… Read more…

Quality Information Systems (web or software applications) are the backbone of most business operations today (whether client-facing or internal), yet, according to Research studies “one-third of business stakeholders are dissatisfied with the quality of their current information systems.”

A poorly integrated and tested information system severely effects on an organization’s clients, sales, partnerships, employees and financial bottom line.

Security, cloud computing, virtualization, service-oriented architectures, mobile deployments, and ever-changing compliance requirements all strain the performance of information systems and the abilities of IT department or team.