Graduation’s Over – On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

You did it!  You were determined and diligent, and now you are a new graduate with a degree.  Now what? Now it’s time to leave the world of higher learning and enter the world of higher earning.  Right?  Maybe.

The decisions you make in the next few months can make the difference between a career and a job.  There is a difference; a job is something you do to pay the bills, a place you dread going to and look forward to leaving each day.  If you have a job, you will be thankful but probably not fulfilled.  A career is something that feeds your passion, gives you financial security and even though it may be stressful, leaves you eager for what comes next.  If you have a career, you will be thankful and fulfilled with a future filled with promise.

The experts at Eagle Consulting LLC can help you plan for that future and set the necessary wheels in motion to ensure that you end up with a career, not just a job!

Don’t just hope for the best!  We offer many services for both new graduates and people about to re-enter the job market.  Do you have an accurate and comprehensive resume?  The experts at Eagle Consulting LLC can make sure your resume is an employers dream!   Do you need to file immigration applications?  Let us help you make sure they are correct and complete the first time, lessening your chance of receiving a letter of denial.

If you have received an RFE, we can help with that too.  Our expert, Dr. Sullivan’s method for writing Specialty Occupation Expert Opinion Letters ensures the best possible chance for approval.

Don’t miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime and end up in a dead-end job with mountains of regret.  Take the necessary steps to make the best of your accomplishments.

In closing, from the entire staff at Eagle Consulting LLC, Congratulations!

2018-06-12T01:14:35+00:00 June 12th, 2018|

Experience – Services

  • Business System Analyst

    The position of Business Systems Analyst has always been Dr. Sullivan’s first love in her long career in the IT industry. She began working as a Business Systems Analyst in 1993 and was immediately drawn to the challenge presented by this position. As a Business… Read more…

  • Computer Systems Analyst

    Dr. Sullivan began working as a Computer Systems Analyst in 1990. During the last 17 years, her ability to research a company’s needs and to make the appropriate recommendations for moving forward has reached a high level of expertise. Dr. Sullivan’s meticulous method of examining… Read more…

  • Database Specialist

    In her position of Database Administrator and Database Analyst, Dr. Sullivan uses her knowledge and substantial experience in IT to protect the integrity of each company’s data. Part of her responsibilities includes making the needed data available to the client and the employees. An understanding… Read more…

  • Software Architect

    Dr. Sullivan’s natural inclination toward both the technical and the mechanical workings of computer systems are assets that have served her well since 2008 in her position as Software Architect. Her technical nature partnered with years of study and hands-on experience has allowed her to… Read more…

  • IT Auditor

    In her position of IT Auditor, Dr. Sullivan creates a solid information technology infrastructure while collaborating with clients to devise and implement policies and procedures to ensure network security. Due to the rapidly changing world of IT, keeping her technological skills current is a prime… Read more…

Quality Information Systems (web or software applications) are the backbone of most business operations today (whether client-facing or internal), yet, according to Research studies “one-third of business stakeholders are dissatisfied with the quality of their current information systems.”

A poorly integrated and tested information system severely effects on an organization’s clients, sales, partnerships, employees and financial bottom line.

Security, cloud computing, virtualization, service-oriented architectures, mobile deployments, and ever-changing compliance requirements all strain the performance of information systems and the abilities of IT department or team.